Standing Seam Copper Roof Construction
Refer to UL Construction No. 496
UL Test Procedure 580 - UL 90 Rating
- Metal Roof Deck Panels
Copper 16 oz. per sq. ft. .020 in. thickness min. 1" high standing seams brake formed to the dimensions indicated, spaced at 18" O.C. Copper 99.9% pure cold rolled temper per ASTM designation B-370. All brakes to have a minimum radius of 2 metal thicknesses.
- Underlayment
4 to 6 lb. Rosin sized building paper fastened with copper roofing nails over 30 lb. Asphalt saturated felt fastened with copper roofing nails.
- Roof Panels Fasteners (Panel Cleats)
Copper cleats fixed type (FX) 16 oz. per sq. ft., .020 in. thick min. cold rolled temper. Cleats 2" min. width spaced 16" O.C. along the panel seams. Copper cleats expansion type (EX), 16 oz. per sq. ft. min., .020 in thick cold rolled temper. Cleats fabricated of two components: a fixed and a sliding tab. Fixed tab to be 3 1/2" wide, 1 1/2" deep with a slot 2" wide, 3/16" high. Sliding tab to be 1 3/16" wide, 1" high with a 1/2" high retaining leg.
- Cleat Fasteners (Screws)
Fasteners used to attach panel cleats to plywood substrate to be no. 10-12 x 3/4", #2 Phillips drive, flat head stainless steel wood screws, two per cleat.
- Plywood Substrate
3/4" plywood type CDX, fire retardant treated, fastened to structural liner panel with no. 13-11 x #3 Phillips drive, truss-head stainless steel screws with an "S" point.
- Insulation
Min. 1" rigid polyisocyanurate insulation boards.
- Air Barrier
Min. 6 mil polyethleyne. installed between insulation and liner panel.
- Liner Panel
1 1/2" deep 20 gauge min. intermediate ribbed steel deck. Minimum yield strength 33,000 psi. Liner fastened to supports with TEK-5 self tapping screws at every valley.
- Structural Purlins
Minimum thickness 14 gauge steel, 50,000 psi min. yield strength. Spacing of purlins at 5'-0" O.C. maximum.