Flat Locked and Soldered Roof Construction
Refer to UL Construction No. 550
UL Test Procedure 580 - UL 90 Rating
- Metal Roof Deck Panels
Copper panel, max. width 16 ½", 22 ½" long with ¾" wide field formed folds. Fabricated from 16 oz., 0.21" thick, 99.9% pure cold rolled copper per ASTM B370. Corners cut off at a 45-degree angle. All sides of panels to be pre-tinned with 50/50 tin/lead solder. All seams to be hammered down with rubber mallet. Seams to be completely soldered, including panel cleats (Item 2).
- Roof Panels Cleats
One-piece assembly, fabricated from16 oz, 0.0215" thick, 99.9% pure, cold rolled copper per ASTM B370. Width 2", length 3" with two 1/8" diameter guide holes for screws. Cleats to be folded into panel folds. Two cleats to be used at each panel side located along panel seams, 6" from edge.
- Cleat Fasteners (Screws)
For attaching panel cleats (Item 2) to plywood (Item 7) to be no. 10-12 by ¾: long, #2 Phillips drive, flat head, head, stainless steel wood screws, two per cleat.
- Solder
50/50tin/lead bar stock, 7/32" x 7/32".
- Red Rosin Paper
Rosin paper 36" wide, 4lb. minimum. Side laps 3" wide, fastened with copper nails, random spacing.
One ply of Type 30 asphalt saturated felt. Side laps 4", fastened with copper nails, random spacing.
- Plywood
APA rated sheathing, exposure 1, nominal ¾" thick (actual 23/32"), square edged.
- Fasteners (Screws)
Fasteners used to attach plywood (Item 7) to steel deck liner panel (Item 11) to be no. 13-11, #3 Phillips drive truss head, coated steel screws with an "S" point.
- Insulation
Polyisocyanurate, loose laid, 1" min. thickness, 2 ½" max. thickness with a glass fiber face bonded to each side. Butt joints staggered.
- Air Barrier
Polycthylene sheeting loose laid 6 mil. Min. thickness installed between liner panel (Item 11) and insulation (Item 9).
- Liner Panels
Min. no. 22 MSG steel deck, 1 ½" min. depth, 36" wide, with overlapping side joints (33,000 psi min. yield strength). Liner fastened to purlins (Item 12) with no. 12-24 x 1" long, self-drilling, self-tapping, hex-washer head, plated steel screws at each valley.
- Purlins
No. 16 MSG min. steel, (50,000 psi min yield strength), spaced 5'-1" O.C. maximum